The Razorback Fred Astaire Dancing With The Hogs!
If you like watching old movies, you may of heard of some fella named Fred Astaire. I was looking up Youtube videos tonight on Arkansas and came across the Razorback Fred Astaire. This looks like a scene right out of Royal Wedding where Fred dances up the wall and on the ceiling.... (mix it up with Deliverance a little! LOL) However, the only reason this guy is dancing on the "wall" is because the video camera is just turned on its side. Not sure if this guy is a bit tipsy, but he sho' can put on the dancing moves!
We Need a Need a New TV Show Called "Dancing With The Hogs!" LOL
Hey...what do you call it when a Razorback fan goes to dancing like this??? Hamming it up!
What do you think about this Dancing hog?
See the old Fred Astaire Royal Wedding Scene!

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