QUOTE: “I am an Auburn fan, do not mess with My trees.”
A national writer at CBSSports.com, Gregg Doyel, wrote an eloquent article wishing that the Alabama Crimson Tide football team would win the national championship in N.O. Saint's-like fashion (after Katrina). Now a torrent of emotions on both sides is coming forth. Unfortunately, some Auburn fans are not showing much class in how they reacted.
I thought this statement by an Auburn fan took the cake.
I quote from Richard Burton:
"I'm sorry for the loss of life. I have two relatives who were in Tuscaloosa at the time. Your column was written from one perspective: your football team. So I give you the following to think about. The trees at Toomers Corner killed by the Alabama fan who poisoned them? Well, look around -- you now have no trees. Maybe God was trying to send you fanatics a message: I am an Auburn fan, do not mess with My trees."
This dude actually thinks God did all this on purpose to punish Alabama for poisoning Toomers. How loopy is that? I am sure the Tornado path did not hit all Alabama fans. I am sure there were some other fans involved in the destruction.... geez....
Anyway... Go to this page to read the (mostly critical) mail responses. It is fascinating to see the responses.
One voice of reason that I enjoyed reading was Dr. J. Michael Belyeu, MD of Albertville. He said the article was " inspiring to us here in Alabama."
The article makes a good read, check it out at cbssports.com

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