Saban Grinning After Florida Game – What Does It Mean?
ByDid you notice the smile on Coach Saban’s face after the Florida game? I believe that Coach Saban has known something since preseason practice that is now on display to all the world to see. He has a team. Having a TEAM is way better than having mere superstar players. Way better.
It was on TV for all the world to see after the Florida game. In unusual midseason fashion, Coach Saban was beaming after the big win Saturday in the Swamp. To some people, it is a mere grin, however Alabama fans know better. Coach Saban is simply tickled about how his team is coming along this year.
Alabama played the classic role of a boxer who got punched in the mouth Saturday. The first offensive play by Florida was a deep pass for 6 that made Dre Kirkpatrick look bad at corner, but truth be told most corners in America could not have stopped that play. Plus, Lester did not support it like he should at safety. It was simply an execution error on his part.
"In boxing, you never know when you have a good fighter until the guy gets hit, gets staggered, and you see how he takes a punch," Saban said.
For most teams this would be a knock out punch; however Coach Saban knows he has a team with the heart of a champion. That is why he is grinning.
If he played an instrument... like in this video.. you would say he was "picking and grinning" ...but I digress 🙂
Anyway, Coach Saban is elated at midseason where his team is at. Of course, he is always going to say we can improve and that the process is always ongoing but the truth is written on his face. He knows he has the best football team in all the land. Alabama hasn't even played its A-game yet... still looking for that perfect game.
Have you noticed that his whole mood this season has been more "relaxed?" In general, much more happy. It almost seems like his perspective of life may have changed after the tornados of this spring. Anyone who seen the devastation and death in Tuscaloosa & Alabama would almost surely have to have a new outlook on life.
Sometimes, I wonder if he is thinking ahead to LSU as he sports a grin about his future plans. Les Miles made Saban look bad with trickery last year and beat Alabama in Baton Rouge. Saban is almost grinning like the Grinch who stole Christmas...only it will be Les Miles' Christmas!
In Tuscaloosa on November 5th, in what many people consider the de facto national championship game, the Tide will turn and Saban will grin a big grin once again. LSU will go down. MArk my words. Saban is ready. I may be looking ahead, but its the way I see it.
The fact is this, Coach Saban is having fun. Alabama football players are having fun. Alabama fans are having fun. Alabama's opponents are not having fun.
Everyone is smiling in a state that dearly needs it after the tragedies earlier this year.

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