Game Day NOT coming to Tuscaloosa
ByAlthough it was rumored and thought that ESPN Game Day would be making a stop in Tuscaloosa this weekend, ESPN has decided instead to head to West Virginia for the LSU/WV game.
According to them it’s because it would be their first time in Morgantown; right. I’ve always wondered if the reason why ESPN skips games likes this because it isn’t on their network. And I mean ESPN, not ABC.
I bet money, that ESPN is televising the LSU game this weekend and that’s why they are heading up there just to stick it to CBS.
Think I’m wrong? Think about where they were last week, Michigan for a match-up between two unranked teams at the time. I guess their excuse last week was this was the first time Michigan played a night game so they HAD to be there.
Although it turned out to be the right choice, they could have headed to State College to see Bama/Penn State or went to Auburn to see them play Mississippi State; all these teams (except for AU) were ranked at the time.
This is a match-up between two top 15 teams and ESPN is skipping it because they’ve never been to West Virginia before? Who does ESPN think is buying this crap? Major fail on ESPN’s part for NOT going to a better game because of their ego.

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