Official Alabama Statement Comes In Regarding Duron Carter
The drama of wide receiver Duron Carter continues on today just when everyone thought it was over. He did not make the trip today to Penn State and as of this moment is not eligible to play. In a statement released by the University of Alabama.
The official UA Statement:
“Wide receiver Duron Carter did not travel with the football team to State College for today’s game. The University of Alabama is awaiting documents necessary for Duron to be certified. Until those documents are received, Duron may continue practicing with the team, but he cannot compete in a game.”
Duron Carter's situation is a certified mess. Hopefully, by the meat of the SEC schedule, Carter will be ready to go. However for today, this means that Alabama will be relying heavily on Marquis Maze & DeAndrew White to handle most of the wide receiver duties today against Penn State.
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